The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) is the umbrella organization for 26 inter/national sororities and one of the largest groups advocating for women. Together, the inter/national presidents of NPC’s 26 member sororities have issued the following statement reiterating the combined long-standing commitment of their organizations to clear and consistent standards of conduct which keep College Panhellenic sorority communities safe and places for positive growth.
“While each of the 26 member organizations that comprise NPC establish their own policies, they have long believed that a shared set of clear and consistent guidelines, best practices and expectations for individual collegiate chapters is an essential pillar of the College Panhellenic sorority community, and necessary to ensure productive collaboration with our on-campus partners. These expectations of the individual collegiate chapters of NPC’s member organizations, formalized in 2003 as a part of the NPC Standards, center on five core areas of focus:
- Positively affecting intellectual development.
- Being socially responsible.
- Developing leadership skills and abilities.
- Respecting human dignity, wellness and student safety.
- Developing citizenship.
“Critically, the NPC Standards set expectations about conduct and education related to alcohol and human dignity; require alcohol- and substance-free living units; encourage diversified programming including alcohol-free social events; and ensure a standards process by which chapters hold members accountable for their behavior. And, each member organization has taken ownership and responsibility for the enforcement and implementation of these standards with their own chapters.
“The leaders of the 26 NPC organizations appreciate and applaud the recent adoption by the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) of new health and safety standards within their fraternity community. And, it is our expectation that our undergraduate Panhellenic leaders and members will respect NIC’s work and support their interfraternal brothers in remaining true to the new NIC alcohol and drug guidelines.
“Taken together, these standards and guidelines better equip organizations to set clear expectations of their own members, while sending an intentional message to our campus partners about our continued commitment to fostering safe campus cultures for today’s college students.”
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