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Research Findings

Below are results from national research initiatives sponsored by the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). 

Dr. Patrick Biddix — Sorority Experience Survey 

Dr. Patrick Biddix from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville has conducted his final sorority experience survey as part of the long-term well-being research he started in the spring of 2021. His research has helped us gather additional research data to support our messaging to promote the sorority experience (sisterhood, belonging, support and safe spaces). 

Resource: Sorority Experience Survey Results PDF, Sorority Experience Survey Results Video

Gallup Alumni Survey — Fraternities & Sororities: Experiences and Outcomes in College, Work and Life

The results of a Gallup survey conducted on behalf of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) and the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) highlight strong relationships between fraternity and sorority membership and the reported strength of the college experience, feelings of preparation for life after college and general wellbeing. The study compares the college, work and life outcomes of fraternity and sorority members who are college graduates (“affiliated alumni”) with those who were not fraternity and sorority members (“nonaffiliated alumni”). Notably, fraternity and sorority alumni are also substantially more likely than nonaffiliated alumni to recommend their college or university to others, agree that their education was worth the cost and are more likely to donate to their institution. In addition, a vast majority (84%) of affiliated alumni said if they had to do it all over again, they would still join their fraternity or sorority.

Resource: Fraternities and Sororities: Experiences and Outcomes in College, Work and Life

Note: This research, in part, builds on the results of a 2014 Gallup study regarding life outcomes of fraternity and sorority members.

Sorority Member Experiences During COVID-19 

Despite the many challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study found sorority-affiliated students report feeling supported overall by their sorority and rate their overall health as very good or excellent, despite any increases in stress during that time. The nationwide survey was conducted by researchers at the Postsecondary Education Research Center at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Resource: National Panhellenic Conference: Sorority Member Experiences During COVID-19 

Sorority Belonging, Diversity & Well-Being Survey

This survey follows up on questions asked during the Sorority Member Experiences During COVID-19 study, and includes additional questions about diversity engagement and member well-being within the Panhellenic sorority experience. This nationwide survey was conducted by Dr. J. Patrick Biddix, associate director of the Postsecondary Education Research Center at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Resource: NPC Sorority Belonging, Diversity & Well-Being Survey Results

Sorority Belonging, Diversity & Well-Being & Joining Surveys

This set of surveys builds on prior research into NPC sorority belonging, diversity and well-being to add questions about joining a sorority. These nationwide surveys were conducted by Dr. J. Patrick Biddix, associate director of the Postsecondary Education Research Center at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Follow-up surveys are planned for 2023.


Sorority Membership and Educational Outcomes: Results from a National Study 

NPC research regarding sorority membership and educational outcomes also found correlation between sorority membership and retention, graduation and “on-time” graduation rates. 

  • The first-to-second year retention rate for collegiate members of sororities (93%) is higher than for nonmembers. 
  • The six-year graduation rate for sorority members (84%) is also higher than the equivalent rate for nonmembers. 
  • The four-year “on-time” graduation rate for sorority members (58%) also surpasses the four-year rate for nonmembers. 

Resource: Sorority Membership and Educational Outcomes: Results from a National Study