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Scholarships & Awards

The National Panhellenic Conference Foundation offers scholarships to outstanding Panhellenic women. The scholarship application period runs from early December to mid-March each year. Recipients typically are announced in late spring and funds are distributed at the beginning of the fall term.

2024-25 Scholarship Applications Open - Deadline is March 10, 2024

Below is the list of NPC Foundation scholarships.

Alpha Phi/Betty Mullins Jones Scholarship

The Alpha Phi/Betty Mullins Jones Scholarship established by the Alpha Phi Foundation to honor Betty Mullins Jones’ commitment to the National Panhellenic Conference. This scholarship is awarded annually to a collegiate Panhellenic woman who has worked to further her fraternal community’s reputation on her campus and who embodies the values of sisterhood, philanthropy and scholarship. This $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a woman who makes a difference in sorority life by serving on her College Panhellenic.

Carole Jurenko Jones Scholarship

The Carole Jurenko Jones Scholarship, established by Alpha Omicron Pi, honors Carole Jones’ commitment to the National Panhellenic Conference, including serving as the 2017-19 NPC chairman.

This $1,000 scholarship is awarded annually to a collegiate member in good standing of a Panhellenic organization who has served in a chapter or Panhellenic leadership role. It also may be awarded to an alumna in good standing who demonstrates Panhellenic spirit, outstanding service and leadership to her campus or community.

Mary Louise Roller Scholarship

Named for Mary Louise Roller, this scholarship was funded by Alpha Omicron Pi in honor of Mrs. Roller’s 33-year tenure on Alpha Omicron Pi’s Panhellenic Delegation. The Mary Louise Roller Scholarship is a $1,000 scholarship and will be awarded to an undergraduate woman who plans to attend graduate school the following fall. Each recipient shall have displayed outstanding service to her local College Panhellenic during her undergraduate years. Each College Panhellenic may nominate one candidate per year.

Phoenix Panhellenic Association Centennial Scholarship

Funded in honor of the Phoenix Panhellenic Association’s centennial, this scholarship is typically awarded annually. Collegiate applicants must be a member in good standing at one of the following: Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, University of Arizona or Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott. Graduate applicants must be an Arizona resident attending one of the above universities or in an approved program.

Sigma Kappa Courage and Conviction Scholarship

The Sigma Kappa Courage and Conviction Scholarship was funded by Sigma Kappa in honor of Donna Crain King’s service as 2015-17 NPC chairman. It is a $1,000 scholarship awarded annually. The scholarship will be awarded to a collegiate or alumna member in good standing of a Panhellenic organization and who has achieved a minimum 3.0 GPA, displayed significant service or contributions to her chapter, university or community at large, and demonstrated noteworthy “courage and conviction.”

If you have scholarship questions, contact the NPC Foundation at 317-872-3185 or